A Totally Awesome Gift!

About this time last year one of my colleagues told me that she was moving. Her husband was getting transferred to North Carolina. She contemplated letting him go by himself and commuting back and forth to see him on the weekends, but after doing that a few times she quickly realized by his side is where she was meant to be. I was crushed. Who would make me laugh each day? Who would listen to me when I needed to vent? Who would always be there with a Bai drink and homemade Chicken Gnocchi soup? Who would eat Lay’s potato chips with me at 8 AM? (Don’t judge)  Who would sit with me at recess? All these questions and more were running through my mind. Don’t get me wrong the other teachers on my team are fabulous and equally as special to me, but Pam understood me like nobody else. She had also become a dear friend and someone I knew I would stay in touch with forever.

Fast forward to August 24th and the start of a new school year. My principal said I would be mentoring the “new girl” on the team. Well let me tell you y’all it just took me 2 minutes to realize Adrienne was something special. She is one of those people who always has a smile on her face and something positive to say. We instantly hit it off and I knew the year was going to be fine.

Adrienne recently gave me this thank you gift for being her mentor. It was just so darn cute and clever that I just had to share it with you. Let’s just say it made my heart smile. She started with the tote bag, which she left by my classroom door, and then throughout the day she had her students bring me a surprise and place it in the tote. I just love the play on words and Target is one of my favorite stores. Oh Adrienne, you know me so well!

This gift could easily be adapted to fit any occasion. Have any of you ever received or given a similar gift? If so, I would love for you to share it with us below!

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